Pet Parlor
Pet Grooming, LLC
Service Prices
Service Prices
Compare our service packages and find the best fit for you.
(Please Note: *The Prices online are listed for pets 0-15 lbs. Your Package price will be adjusted upon check-in if needed.
*Your price may vary with your pet's weight, fleas, matting/knots, behavior, add-on services, and pets left behind after closing.
**Our Groomers work by Appointment Only**
Groomer requests may be changed without notice due to scheduling issues, wait time, or service requests.
Expect 1-3 hours per service per dog. We will text you when your pet is ready.
Groomers do have the right to refuse services in order to prevent injury to both the pets and/or themselves. They also have the right to refuse service due to clients' attitudes. Please respect my staff.
Yes, if it's knotted your pet will be shaved.
Platinum Package
Platinum Package
Dogs Only
My Pet Deserve​s Topnotch!​
Nail Filing
Ear Plucking & Cleaning
Anal Glands
Teeth Brushing
Basic Pet Style Cut
(Cuts below 1 " / No Designs)
Full Bath Package
($30 Value Included)
Bath & Fluff Dry
Nail Cutting
Ear Cleaning & Perfume
Gold Package
Gold Package
Dogs Only
*More Bang ​for your Buck*
Nail Clipping
Ear Cleaning
Basic Pet Style Cut
(Cuts below 1 " / No Designs)
Full Bath Package
($30 Value Included)
Bath & Fluff Dry
Nail Cutting
Ear Cleaning & Perfume
Tidy- up / Puppy Package
Tidy- up / Puppy Package
Dogs Only
Good for Maintaining Cut or
Great for Puppy's 1st Groom
**No Hair on the Body is Cut**
Facial & Feet Trim
Sanitary Areas Shaved
Full Bath Package
($30 Value Included)
Bath & Fluff Dry
Nail Cutting
Ear Cleaning & Perfume
Comb outs - Undercoat Removals are extra.
Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.
Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.
Bath Package
Dogs Only
You just need a little help.
Spa Bath
Ear Cleaning (No Plucking)
Blow Out
Nail Cut ( No File )
Comb Outs - Undercoat Removal are extra.
Shop Policies
Shop Policies
Free Info.
Free Info.
Please Read:
Groomer have the right to deny services. There are no behavior fees.
No Shows - $15
**If it's knotted...We will shave it!
Please brush your pet. **
We do not hurt pets here!!
We will try to keep you with one set groomer. However, there may be times when another groomer may have to step in. We are booked too far in advance to not accept help from groomers that are availabe.
Be prepared to pick up your pet 1-3 hrs. We will text or call when done.
Groomers work by appointments only. State law requires we give them lunch breaks.
$30 - Boarding fee for any pet that is not picked up within a timely manner or no communication. ( Next day pick up is 9am-10 am. )
Add - ons
Add - ons
Premium Shampoos
Premium Shampoos
Flea Dip - Medicated-
Whitener - Deep Conditioner - Scented Shampoos
Poodle Feet
Poodle Feet w/ Polish
Poodle Feet
Poodle Feet w/ Polish
Shaved Feet to Ankle
Pom - Poms
Pom - Poms
Puffs at Ankles
Hand Scissoring
Hand Scissoring
All Comb Cuts or All Cuts
above 1/2 inch.
Undercoat Removal
/ De-Matting
Undercoat Removal
/ De-Matting
Knot Removal
Shedless Package
Shedless Package
$25 & up
Nail Clipping
Nail Clipping w/ Filing
Nail Clipping
Nail Clipping w/ Filing
Walk - in Service
Anal Glands
Anal Glands
Ear Plucking
Ear Plucking
Non- Refundable Service
$20- and up
Bows or Bandanna
Bows or Bandanna
$30 per Night
$30 per Night
- Cage Stay
- Blanket - Toys Provided
- 2-3 Potty time /Walks
- Supervised large outside recreational kennel outside for play (If weather permits)
- Must bring own food during stay.
- Only for Pets under 45 lbs
- Must be undated on required shots.
- Medication given w/ vet prescription. (No Shots)
Drop-off / Pick- up Times
Sunday Closed
Monday - Saturday by Appointments Only
Please call only for Scheduling all Boarding Appointments.

© 2003 Pet Parlor Pet Grooming, LLC
12615 Greenwell Springs Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA. 70814